We've got twelve weeks to the new year.

Let's make progress on our WIPs together!

I want to finish the Zero Draft of my new novel by the end of the year.

Want to join me?

Beginning October 7, subscribers will receive the first of twelve free customized email lessons full of tips, tricks, exercises, and inspiration aimed at helping you finish your draft right alongside me! Bonus write-ins and Ask Me Anythings for participants only.

The FREE 12 Weeks to Your Next Draft email course topics include:

  1. An iterative approach to drafting
  2. Finding or refining that elusive "high concept" idea
  3. Researching genre and comp titles
  4. Choosing themes
  5. Creating a killer pitch
  6. The eight major story beats
  7. Mapping a character arc
  8. Introduction to world building
  9. Drafting - Hooking your reader
  10. Drafting - Everything changes
  11. Drafting - Midpoint reflection
  12. Drafting - HEA, HFN, or tragedy? You decide!

Sign up with your email

Just one more step and you're all set.

Pop your contact in below to get twelve weeks email lessons full of tips, tricks, exercises, and inspiration aimed at helping you finish your draft by the end of 2024!

The first weekly email will arrive in your inbox on October 7, but no worries if you're joining later. We'll get you caught up!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.