Free webinar

Story Scaffolding LIVE!

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Are the doubt demons trying to convince you that you can’t finish your novel or memoir? Are you stuck in the planning stages, languishing in the mushy middle, or unsure what needs to happen next?

Then you're invited to this FREE webinar that will introduce you to my Story Scaffolding method for planning, drafting, and revising a story with the right foundation to finally have a reader-ready manuscript.

If you dream of a life spent writing stories that change hearts and minds, that subvert the status quo, that matter, but you either don’t know how or keep not quite getting there, this workshop is for you.

During this free three-hour workshop, you learned:

  • Step One - The Writer's Mindset: Does imposter syndrome paralyze you? Do the doubt demons hiss poison in your ear each time you sit down to write? There are societal and sometimes even family structures in place that make you feel like your stories don’t matter.

    We’ll go through my process for regranting yourself the permission to create, then look at other areas of mindset that might be challenging as you make more space for creativity in a busy life.
  • Step Two- Your Story Spark: How to craft a high-concept story and position it for success. One of the key pieces of armor that protects us from those doubt demons is knowledge. Of craft. Of genre. Of the market.

    Let’s dig into how to nurture that initial spark of an idea into one that you can write and position with confidence!
  • Step Three - Character + Plot = Story: How character motivation drives your plot forward. What makes a story a story? It might not be what you think.

    This section of the workshop digs into how plot and character work together to make a story that readers can’t put down.

Come prepared to work–we’ll take stock of our writer mindset, then explore your story idea and develop it into a solid foundation you can build on as you draft and revise your way to reader-readiness. Because crafting a story is an iterative process, my exercises will be appropriate for you whether you’re planning, drafting, or revising, whether this is your first book or your fifteenth.

After each exercise, one writer will have the opportunity to come online live and work with me through any challenges they encountered during the exercise. For those of you who are curious about what book coaching looks like, you’ll get a front-row seat to watch live and unscripted.

Story Scaffolding Live! Happens in Just:

May 19, 2024
12:00pm Pacific Time

Get to the heart of your story...

“Julie [was] incredibly helpful not only in cleaning up my ponderous prose, but in organizing the structure of my manuscript… She made a complex narrative more approachable for the general reader and for that I will always be grateful.”

Karl Von Loewe, author of Lost Roots (Atmosphere Press, September 2022).

Be true to your vision...

"Julie helped me to shape all of the “stuff in my head” into a beautiful story that was true to me and also stayed focused on the reader’s perspective."

Sonia Hunt, author of Nut Job (Gen X Media, 2021).

Julie Artz

Book Coach

Julie helps writers change the world with their stories by empowering them to slay their doubt demons and teaching them how to get their novels and memoirs reader-ready.

If you’re a truth-telling, status quo-smashing writer of fiction or memoir who dreams of a life spent telling world-changing stories, Julie wants to know you, work with you, and help you get your stories reader-ready.

Register now!

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