New Powerful Planning tool!

Create a Tent Pole Scenes Outline today!

The concept is pretty simple—think of these key scenes as the poles that are holding up the story tent you’ve just pitched. Remove any one of them and your tent collapses.

This is your stripped-down narrative arc. For memoir, it’s the stripped-down arc of the journey YOU, as the protagonist, are taking in this story. For fiction, it’s the arc for your main character / protagonist.

This is a powerful tool whether you're participating in #Preptober before trying for a #NaNoWriMo win or just looking for a simple approach to outlining without having to know every last detail of your story.

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    Julie, I am blown away by what I have been able to absorb of your feedback. Thank you for being so patient and generous with me and all of my questions. Author Accelerator has never steered me wrong! I can already see where I need to sharpen the “point.” Thank you for being open to clarifications, questions and a dialogue. I already feel safe in your literary hands.”

    Henriette Ivanans

    Best-selling author of
    In Pillness and In Health

    What is it all about?

    This free tool uses a classic fairy tale structure to help you create a high-level outline of your story. It also gets you started thinking about your story in greater detail by introducing how the character external arc and internal arc, and the cause and effect trajectory of their decisions, create the overall structure of the story.